
Wacom tablet driver not found

For 2 weeks I was having issues with my Wacom drivers (I’m a Window 10 user, I know right?). I was getting “Wacom tablet driver not found”, “Wacom driver not found”, “A supported tablet was not found on this system?”, “tablet driver is not running” or “Make me a sandwich and I might decide to work properly”. Well maybe I didn’t get that last error, but I might as well had! So after getting no where with Wacom support. There support is amazing by the way! They keep giving me the same answers as far as trouble shooting step via email and over the phone. To my surprise nothing worked. I even searched the internet past page 5 in the search result on Google. I know! Crazy right? The only thing I found was things that didn’t work, digital sadness and someone talking about how awesome their Mac is (This guy who spoke about his Mac said to fix this driver issue you have to switch to Mac. SOVLED.) I have a Mac, but I’m not going to be switching my animation programs to MAC.

UNSOLVED it still is – Yoda.

So I am going to give you what I did to fix this problem. Guess what? This answer does not exist anywhere on the internet. If you do find it on the internet than it was copied from this website. If you are still having issue after trying my master fix below then contact me directly…

Wacom tablet driver not found

Why does this …. happen?

  1. If the drivers were not installed properly. Make sure you follow the steps that came with the user manual and make sure you are downloading the correct updated drivers from the website.
  2. You unplug the Cintiq or turned off the Cintiq while the computer is still on. (I did this all the time. Dumb me right?)

How to fix it (This info can be found online)

  1. Make sure you follow the correct installation process. See user manual or website for the most recent drivers. See Site
  2. Do a search on your computer for Services.exe (or pull up task manager then click on Services if you are on Windows 10)> look for Wacom Processional Service or Tablet Service Wacom> Then do Restart or Start See Site
  3. If you get the drivers not found: See video’s Comments
    Go to Command Prompt (Admin) (Right click on the windows logo and click on Command Prompt (admin))
    Taskkill /IM Wacom_Tablet.exe /F
    Taskkill /IM Wacom_TabletUser.exe /F
    Taskkill /IM Wacom_TouchUser.exe /F
    Taskkill /IM WTabletServicePro.exe /F
    net stop WTabletServicePro
    net start WTabletServicePro

Wacom tablet driver not found

How I fixed the “Wacom tablet driver not found” error (This info does not exist anywhere but here on

  1. Make sure your Wacom tablet is NOT plugged in
  2. For your monitor settings – Set the display to “show only on 1”
  3. Open your device manager (right click on windows Icon and click device manager)
  4. Now plug in your Wacom tablet
  5. Turn the tablet on (The light will be amber and the tablet will be blank. This is perfectly fine)
  6. The Wacom Properties will pop up automatically become device manager is open.
  7. Now change your monitor settings to “extend these displays” via display settings
  8. Now open your program and set up your wacom properties
  9. Once everything is configured to your liking.
  10. BACKUP your settings via Wacom Properties File Utiliy. Don’t use the Wacom Cloud Backup because GUESS WHAT? It does not work. I know you might be shock about these findings.
  11. Save the file on your desktop and on a disk too. Name it Wacom Settings Don’t delete me or something like this.

AGAIN this fix does not exist any where online. ANYWHERE. And if it does, I’m the originator of the fix.
I was only able to fix this due to my 7 years of IT experience. No more “wacom tablet driver not found” ever again!